Your Pontypridd are pleased to see that plans for both the remodelling and refurbishment of the YMCA, and plans for the redevelopment of the former Marks & Spencer site have been approved.
The reasons for approval for the former Marks & Spencer site were as follows:
- The extension of the building will improve the architectural quality of the
existing building and signifies an enhancement of the overall street scene and,
by this improvement will enhance the character of the Conservation Area
- The introduction of flats will add vibrancy to the town centre at all times of the
day and will compliment a number of town centre uses, such as pubs, clubs
and restaurants that operate outside of normal business hours.
- The proposed refurbishment of the retail premises will have a positive impact
on the vitality and viability of the town centre its approval willenhance the
attractiveness of the premises in securing a future retail tenant
The basic arrangement of the building, as proposed, will consist of the following:
• Basement Level – Car Parking (plus refuse bin and bicycle storage)
• Ground Floor Level - Retail
• First Floor Level – Residential (8 x 1-bedroom flats & 4 x 2-bedroom flats for
• Second Floor Level – Residential (4 x 1 bedroom flats for Trivallis and 6 x 2
bedroom flats for “open market” sale
The reasons for approval of the redevelopment of the YMCA were as follows:
- The redevelopment of the YMCA is an exciting project that will bring a
significant investment to the town centre.
- While the new scheme is significantly more compact than previously
approved, the new proposal still involves some dramatic alterations and
construction that will mean that it will become a landmark building within
- It achieves this dramatic change while still respecting the Town Centre
Conservation Area status and also maintaining the integrity of the setting of
two nearby Listed Buildings
- The numerous and varied uses that will take place within the building are
entirely compatible with this town centre location
The new completed building will feature a Lower Ground Floor, an Upper Ground
Floor and a First Floor. Accommodation will be as follows:
• Lower Ground Floor: Cafe, Fitness Room & Studio Theatre
• Upper Ground Floor: 3 Meeting Rooms, Art Studio and Artis Offices
• First Floor: Crèche, Hot Desk Area, New Shelly Hall
If you would like to make any comments on the decisions please send them to
To see more information on the planning applications and decisions from the Planning Committee please visit