Important notice from Pontypridd Museum !
Dear Community Member,
As a user (or non-user!) of Pontypridd Museum, we and our managing body, Pontypridd Town Council, value your input into how we can develop our service. To this end, I am inviting you to a consultation event, during which we need your help in developing a new vision for the Museum. The event will involve some (hopefully fun!) activities and discussions, centred around identifying a shared vision for the Museum.
The event will be from 10:30am-1:30pm on Saturday 28th July in the Museum basement, with refreshments and lunch provided free of charge to participants. Could you please confirm your attendance by phoning 01443 490748 , plus any dietary or access requirements by 4pm today, children are welcome to come too, or if you represent an organisation and are unable to attend yourself, please feel free to invite someone else in your place!