Our Past, Our Future, Your Pontypridd: an interview with Sian John of Alfreds Bar and Grill 

James Payne • May 22, 2018

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Our third promotional film highlights the night time economy in Pontypridd of our videos to be launched, we spoke with Sian John, co-owner of Alfreds, The Blueberry & Le Crazy Croissant. She talked to us about why she got involved with the project, the importance of having a vibrant night life in Pontypridd, the story behind the businesses and working with the BID

1. Hi Sian, can you tell us about Alfred’s Bar and Grill, what is the ethos of the business how long has the business been going?

We launched Alfred’s 14 years ago to provide Pontypridd and South Wales with an exceptional fish and meat restaurant and bar with a scale, standard and offering that could only be matched by international cities

2. Why did you agree to be part of the video project and what are you hoping it will achieve for your businesses?

As a rule Alfred’s has grown and evolved organically with very little advertising and marketing but with the video project it can give an insight into the heart of the business and what makes it tick.

3. Why did you decide to set up the business in Pontypridd and what are the opportunities and challenges of being a significant part of the offer in the town centre?

Pontypridd always was and will be an important cog in the life of South Wales. Sometimes it suffers from being unfashionable and not on certain politicians’ radar. But it’s potentially a beautiful town with great Victorian architecture, assets such as the river and park that very few towns can boast of plus its proximity to Cardiff which once was regarded as a hindrance is now a fantastic opportunity

4. In the video we see great examples of your fresh produce, how important is it to work with local suppliers?

It’s hugely important that Welsh business promote and support each other proudly stating that we can grow and produce some of the best foods in the world. The demands and pressures on the food and drink industry are forever changing so to have the knowledge that the one constant that Welsh businesses support each other is vital.

5. In the video you compare some of the places in Pontypridd to those in Cardiff, but what makes Alfreds unique in comparison to other restaurants?

Very few venues in South Wales offers the size of variety of fresh food and drink that Alfreds can deliver. Being so busy allows us to pass discounts to customers which will enable us to give great value for money for years to come.

6. What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur looking to start their own restaurant?

Don’t over commit however tempting. Find that niche and work hard to be the best. Don’t be afraid to fail as you become better with such experiences.

7. The videos are aiming to change perceptions of Pontypridd and showcase local businesses, do you think this is the most effective way of communicating to residents and potential visitors what Pontypridd offers?

Very much so as large scale marketing can be bland and generally go un-noticed. Human interest stories grab peoples’ attention and can differentiate Pontypridds special businesses to those generic, off-the-peg offerings that larger towns and cities attract.

8. The Your Pontypridd BID is entering its third year, how important has this been in supporting your businesses?

The BID has stepped in and developed unlike no other trade body previously. Its run by local businesses for local business giving the Town the best chance of success.

9. What potential do you see for Alfreds, The Blueberry Inn Hotel and Le Crazy Croissant over the next five years with the ongoing redevelopment of Pontypridd Town Centre?

Massive - finally after so many missed opportunities; Pontypridd with the new metro link and politicians understanding that we need a prominent and successful town based in the heart of the Valleys - the future is hugely positive

Thanks to Sian for taking the time and being involved in the video project, we look forward to continuing to work with Alfreds in the future.

For more information visit their website: https://alfredsbarandgrill.com/

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