Our Past, Our Future, Your Pontypridd: an interview with Emma Jamal of KooKoo Madame

James Payne • June 13, 2018

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Our fourth promotional film highlights the retail offer in Pontypridd; we spoke with Emma Jamal, owner of KooKoo Madame. She talked to us about why she got involved with the project, the importance of having a unique retail in the town and the story behind the business and working with the BID.

1. Hi Emma, can you tell us about how the idea for KooKoo Madame came about, what is the ethos of the business how long has the business been going?

I came to Pontypridd to work in a well-known retailer, but I always had the dream of opening my own shop, I saw the advertisement for a small shop to rent in Mill Street in the Pontypridd Observer, I looked into it in more detail and decided that it was definitely manageable. Thankfully I am still here, and the business has come along way since then.

2. Tell us what Mill Street was like when you first moved into the shop?

When I first opened the shop there wasn’t a lot of other nice independent shops in the area. I like to think that I encouraged people to start their own business. Over the years Pontypridd has been home to many independent shops, unfortunately not all of those have lasted but we still have the lovely Organic Wholefoods shop which was one of the original shops in Mill Street. We also have a florist and a beauticians; there’s been several independents on Mill Street and it’s one of the main attractions in the town when people come to have a look around Pontypridd.

3. Why did you agree to be part of the video project and what are you hoping it will achieve for your businesses?

I was slightly apprehensive at first, but I am very grateful to be part of the campaign. It featured some excellent businesses and gave us a great opportunity to show what’s here in the town, it’s an excellent marketing tool to try and encouraging visitors and bring new business to the town, the BID has done an excellent job it’s a very positive step forward.

4. Why did you decide to set up the business in Pontypridd and what are the opportunities and challenges of being a significant part of the offer in the town centre?

I was working in Pontypridd at the time, I didn’t know Pontypridd all that well but it didn’t take long to realise it was a very vibrant town back in 2007. The town has been through lots of changes over the past ten years and I’m sure it will continue to change with the new developments which will hopefully create opportunities in the area. Hopefully it attracts larger businesses into the town and this will have a positive effect on the smaller businesses.

5. When you set up the businesses, how much did the local business community help you?

There’s always been that friendly network of businesses in the town, it’s nice when you can look out for each other. There are lots of different services in Pontypridd and I always work with local businesses, I enjoy visiting the Market which offers various services, it’s a very supportive business community.

6. KooKoo Madame stocks global brands such as Cath Kidston, Nomination, Qudo. How did you come to stock these brands?

Brands can be challenging to work with, it takes a lot of trust between the brand and the shop as there is always the risk putting a big brand in a small independent shop, it’s not good for a brand to be in a shop which doesn’t reflect the image of the brand. I’ve broken the mould in a way and I like to think that I’ve gained the trust of the big brands here at KooKoo Madame.

7. You started KooKoo Madame ten years ago, what have the been the highlights?

More than anything it’s getting through the ups and downs, we rely on a high-quality service and having a great connection with the local community.

The main highlight for KooKoo Madame was the 10th anniversary of the business, we’ve recently took on another premises next door which has helped the business grow over the last twelve months, we’re excited about the future and we hope to be here for another ten years.

8. What was the purpose behind extending the original shop?

The shop was originally quite small, we’ve recently started working with big name brands who have various requirements in a shop, it was a risk I was willing to take as it has turned into a great opportunity to help the business grow and has given us more exposure.

9. In your video you talk about the unique shopping experience – how does this help keep customers coming back to the shop?

Sometimes there is a perception where small boutiques be snooty, some people are nervous to walk into this environment and they think it’s expensive. In a way we’re the complete opposite! We’re all very friendly and not pushy – customers can come in and have a chat in a relaxed atmosphere. We’ll also go the extra mile and try our best to stock a product which somebody wants but may be not in the shop.

10. What advice would you give to a young entrepreneur looking to open their own fashion boutique?

More than anything – do your research! Know your products! If you know something inside out, and you believe in it enough and have passion for what you’re doing then you will succeed. It’s very important to start small, everyone has big dreams, I would love to own a department store! The overheads of a business can quickly close you down, believe in your dreams and take the risk but make sure to start small.

11. The videos are aiming to change perceptions of Pontypridd and showcase local businesses; do you think this is the most effective way of communicating to residents and potential visitors what Pontypridd offers?

I think it’s been a fantastic way of helping local businesses, over the years people have lost trust in the town, this is a brilliant opportunity to prove why you don’t need to go to Cardiff or a big city. The videos are a nice refresher of what Pontypridd offers, and it gives people a clear idea of what is in the town.

12. The Your Pontypridd BID is entering its third year, how important has this been in supporting your businesses?

The BID has done some exciting projects over the last few years, over the next twelve months the BID will play a key role in supporting the local businesses that are here, whether this be marketing or encouraging better relationships between the businesses but also encourage larger and higher profile businesses to come to invest in the town, the trust needs to be regained for the town to progress in the next ten years.

13. What potential do you see for KooKoo Madame over the next five years with the ongoing redevelopments of Pontypridd Town Centre?

I’m excited about the new developments, I think the employment element in the town is important, hopefully we can reap the rewards and encourage more workers to come into the town from the new Council Offices and Transport for Wales headquarters. Over the next five years I’m hoping there will be a ripple effect of more businesses coming to the town.

I also think there needs to be smaller units made available, you only need to look around the town see that the vacant units are larger and more expensive, it creates a difficult environment for smaller independents to start their business. I hope over the next five years there will be more opportunity for smaller business owners to take the leap.

14. Do you see the BID as being instrumental in encouraging small businesses and identifying locations for new business owners to set up?

Absolutely, we have the University of South Wales in Treforest, we have an art college with budding entrepreneurs who could start their own business. The BID could explore a pop-up shop or hub to help entrepreneurs trial their business, we need to maintain a strong link with the University to help achieve this, any new businesses would be encouraged by the friendly business community in Pontypridd.

Thanks for taking the time and being involved in the video project, we look forward to continuing to work with KooKoo Madame in the future.

For more information visit their website: https://www.kookoomadame.co.uk/

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