Below are some key places in town where you can carry out some services that were provided by the Post Office.
Pontypridd Convenience Store - 34 Taff Street
Services include:
Payment of water bills
Phone top-ups
Payment of electric bills
1st and 2nd class stamps
TV License payment
Rent payments
Cash machine
Supernews - 67 Taff Street
Water bill payments, mobile phone top ups, electric bill payments, gas bill payments, TV license, rent payments and also sell stamps.
1st and 2nd class stamps are also available at Tesco Express & WH Smith & Brent Thomas Toys and Gifts
Envelopes are also for sale at a range of shops including WH Smiths, Churchills, Brent Thomas Toys and Gifts, B&M Bargains, Poundland, Max 99p, Poundstretcher, Tesco Express.